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Election of Directors and Officers


At a regular meeting four weeks prior to the annual meeting for the election of officers, the presiding officer shall ask for nominations for President,  President-Elect, Vice-President and three (3) members of the Board of Directors. Board members are elected to two-year terms with half three (3) elected one year and the second half three (3) elected the following year. A nominating committee composed the FIVE MOST RECENT Past Presidents of the club who are at the time members of the club (the Immediate Past President serving as Chairman) shall place in nomination one (1) nominee for the office of President, one (1) nominee for the office of President-Elect, one (1) nominee for the office of Vice-President, and three (3) nominees for the Board of Directors. Additional nominations for the office of President, President-Elect, Vice-President and the Board of Directors may be made in any number from the floor by members of the club at any of the three meetings just preceding the annual meeting (but not the annual meeting). Only a mem­ber who is a current member of the Board of Directors or who has previously served at least two terms on the Board shall be eligible for nomi­nation as President, President-Elect or Vice-President. To be eligible to serve on the Board of Directors, a member must have been a member of the Dothan Rotary Club for a minimum of four years prior to his/her election. The nominations duly made shall be placed on a ballot in alphabetical order under each office, and shall be voted on at the annual meeting. All voting shall be done in person. The candidates for President, President-Elect and Vice-President, receiving a majority of the vote, shall be declared elected to their respective offices. The three (3) candidates for Director receiving a majority of the vote shall be declared elected as Directors. In the event of a tie vote for any office, a new vote shall be taken at the same meeting between the tying nominees. The order of succession for club President is Vice President, President Elect, President and thereafter serving as Immediate Past President.



The Officers and Directors so elected together with the immediate Past President shall constitute the Board of Directors.

At a time designated by the President-Elect but no later than December 31st of each year, the President-Elect shall appoint, with the ratification of the Board, a secretary, a treasurer, and sergeant-at-arms. The Club Secretary and Club Treasurer shall serve as officers of the Club.


A vacancy in the Board of Directors or any office shall he filled by action of the remaining members of the board.


A vacancy in the position of any officer-elect or director-elect shall be filled by action of the remaining members of the board of directors-elect.


Board of Directors


The governing body of this Club shall be the Board of Directors, consisting of (12) members of this Club, namely, six (6) Directors elected in accordance with Article 1.Section 1 of the By-Laws, the President, Vice-President, President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer and the immediate Past President.


Duties of Officers


President. It shall be the duty of the President to preside at meetings of the Club and Board and to perform such other duties as ordinarily pertain to his office.


President Elect. It shall be the duty of the President-Elect to preside at the meetings of the Club and Board in the absence of the President and to perform such other duties as ordinarily pertain to his/her office.


Vice-President.  It shall be the duty of the Vice-President to serve as a director and to perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the President or the Board. The Vice-President will also serve as Program Chairman for the Club.



Secretary. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to keep the records of membership, record the attendance at meet­ings, send out notices of meetings of the Club, Board and Committees, record and preserve the minutes of such meetings, make the required reports to Rotary International, including the semi-annual reports of membership, which shall he made to the General Secretary of Rotary International on January 1st and July 1st of each year, the report of changes in membership, which shall be made to the General Secretary of Rotary International, the monthly report of attendance at the club meet­ings which shall be made to the District Governor immediately following the last meeting of the month, collect and remit to Rotary International subscriptions to THE ROTARIAN, and per­form such other duties as usually pertain to his office, including recording the names of Committee members serving on Committees having continuity.


Treasurer It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to have custody of all funds, accounting for same to the club annu­ally and at any other time upon demand, by the board and to perform such other duties as pertain to his office. Upon his/her retirement from office he/she shall turn over to his/her successor or to the President all funds, books of accounts or any other Club property in his/her possession.


Sergeant-at-Arms. The duties of the Sergeant-at-Arms shall be such as are usually prescribed for his/her office and such other duties as may be prescribed by the President or the Board.




Annual Meeting. An annual meeting of this club shall normally be held on the first Monday in December each year, at which time the election of officers and directors to serve for the ensuing year shall take place. The date of the annual meeting for any year may be changed by the Board of Directors at its discretion, but not to be held later than December 31. Should the Board of Directors change the date of the annual meeting, notice of such change shall be announced to the Club Membership at least four weeks prior to the date on which same is to be held. At the annual meeting of the Club, any business may be transacted without prior notice.


The regular weekly meetings of this club shall be held on Monday at 12:00 noon. Due notice of any changes in or canceling of the regular meeting shall be given to all members of the Club.


One-third of the membership shall constitute a quorum at the annual and regular meetings of the club.


Regular meetings of the Board shall be held monthly on a date and at a place selected by the Board of Directors. Special meetings of the Board shall be called by the President whenever deemed necessary, or upon the request of two members of the Board, due notice having been given.


A majority of the Board members shall constitute a quorum of the Board.



Fees and Dues


The new member fee shall be as prescribed by the Board of Directors and is to be paid before the applicant can qualify as a member.


The membership dues shall be set by the Board of Directors per annum payable semi-annually or as approved by the Board, on the first day of July and January with the understanding that a portion shall be applied to each member’s subscription to The Rotarian magazine.


Assessments may be levied against members of the Club from time to time as may be determined by the Board of Directors.


Membership dues will not be levied on the Secretary or Treasurer. 


Club dues are payable July 1st and January 1st.  The club Secretary will send out past due notices for amounts unpaid after 30 days.  Membership may be automatically terminated for any member who has not paid in full within 45 days of the due date.


Method of Voting


The business of this club shall be transacted by viva voce vote except the election of officers and directors, which shall be by ballot.


Avenues of Service Committees

Club committees are charged with carrying out the annual and long-range goals of the club based on the four Avenues of Service. The President-Elect, President, Vice-President and Immediate Past President should work together to ensure continuity of leadership and succession planning.  The president-elect is responsible for appointing committee members to fill vacancies, appointing committee chairs and conducting planning meetings prior to the start his/her year in office. It is recommended that each chair have previous experience as a member of the committee.


(a) The President shall, subject to the approval of the Board, appoint the following standing Avenues of Service Committees:

Community Service Committee, International Service Committee, Vocational Service Committee, and Club Service Committee. 

(b) The President-Elect shall, subject to the approval of the Board, also appoint Activity or Subcommittee Chairs for such committees on particular phases of Community Service, International Service, Club Service and Vocational Service, as he/she may deem necessary.

(c) The Community Service Committee, International Service Committee, Club Service Committee, Vocational Service Committee and other Committees which may be assigned to Board Members shall consist of a chairman, who shall be named by the President-Elect from the membership of the Board, and additional mem­bers as designated by the Chair. 

(d) The President-Elect may, subject to the approval of the Board, appoint the following subcommittees on particular phases of club service: Attendance Committee, Fellowship Activities Committee, Magazine Committee, Membership Committee, Membership Development Committee, Program Committee, Public Relations Committee; appoint one member each year to the following committees: Classifications Committee, Rotary Information Committee; and appoint any other committees that he may deem necessary for the international administration of club affairs.

(e) Where feasible and practicable in the appointment of club committees, there should be provision for continuity of mem­bership, either by appointing one or more members for a second term or by appointing one or more members to a two-year term.

No member should be eligible to serve on the same commit­tee for more than two successive   terms except as otherwise specifically provided in these by-laws. 

(f) The Classifications, Rotary Information and Youth Commit­tees, should each consist of three members, one member of each committee to be appointed each year for a term of three years.

The first appointments made under this provision should be as follows: three members; one member for a term of one year; one member for a term of two years; one member for a term of three years.

(g) The magazine committee shall, whenever feasible, include the editor of the club publication and a local newspaper or advertising member of the club.

(h) The President shall also appoint one member of the Board who shall be responsible for all club service activities and who shall supervise and coordinate the work of all committees appointed on particular phases of club service.

(i) The President shall be an ex officio a member of all commit­tees and as such, shall have all the privileges of membership thereon.

(J) Each committee shall transact such business as is delegated to it in the By-Laws and such additional business as may be referred to it by the President of the Board. Except where special authority is given by the Board, such committees shall not take action until a report has been made to the Board and approved by the Board.                       


                Duties of Avenues of Service Committees


Community Service Committee.  This committee shall advise and carry into effect plans which will guide and assist the members of this club in discharging their responsibili­ties in their community relationships. The chairman of this com­mittee shall be responsible for the community service activities of the club and shall supervise and coordinate the work of any subcommittees that may be appointed on particular phases of com­munity service.


International Service Committee. This committee shall devise and carry into effect plans which will guide and assist the members of this club in discharging their responsibili­ties in matters relating to international service. The chairman of this committee shall be responsible for the international service activities of the club and shall supervise and coordinate the work of any subcommittees that may be appointed on particular phases of international services.


Vocational Service Committee. This committee shall devise and carry into effect plans which will guide and assist the members of this club in discharging their responsibili­ties in their vocational relationships and in improving the gener­al standards of practice in their respective vocations. The chair­man of this committee shall be responsible for the vocational service activities of the club and shall supervise and coordinate the work of any committees that may be appointed on particular phases of vocational service.


Club Service.  This committee provides all the necessary activities Rotarians perform to make their club function successfully and devise and carry into effect plans which will guide and assist the members of this club in discharging their responsibilities in matters relating to club service



                                      Duties of Subcommittees


(a) Attendance Committee. This committee shall devise means for encouraging attendance at all Rotary meetings - including attendance at district conferences, inter-city meet­ings, regional conferences, and international conventions by all club members. This committee shall especially encourage atten­dance at regular meetings of this club and attendance at regular meetings of other clubs when unable to attend meetings of this club; keep all members informed on attendance requirements; promote better incentives for good attendance; and seek to ascertain and remove the conditions that contribute to unsatis­factory attendance.

(b) Classifications Committee. This committee shall, as early as possible, but no later than 31st of August of each year, make a classification survey of the community; shall compile from the

survey a roster of filled and unfilled classifications, using the guide to classifications; shall review, where necessary, existing classifications represented in the club; and shall counsel with the board on all classification problems.

(c) Fellowship Activities Committee. This committee shall pro­mote acquaintance friendship among the members, promote par­ticipation by members in organized Rotary recreational and social activities, and do such work in pursuance of the general object of the club as may be assigned by the president or the board.

(d) Magazine Committee. This committee shall stimulate reader interest in THE ROTARIAN and/or REVISTS ROTARIA; sponsor a magazine week; arrange for brief monthly reviews of the magazine on regular club programs; encourage the use of the magazine for non-Rotarian speakers; secure international ser­vice and other special subscriptions for libraries, hospitals, schools and other reading rooms; send news items and pho­tographs to the editor of the magazine and in other ways make the magazine of service to the club members and non-Rotarians.

(e) Membership Committee. This committee shall consider all proposals for membership from the personal side and shall thor­oughly investigate the character, business, social and communi­ty standing and general eligibility of all persons proposed for membership and shall report their decisions on all applications to the board.

(f) Membership Development Committee. This committee shall review continually the club roster of filled and unfilled classifi­cations and shall take positive action to initiate and present to the board the names of suitable persons to fill open classifica­tions.

(g) Program Committee. This committee shall prepare and arrange the programs for the regular and special meetings of the club.                                       

(h) Public Relations Committee. This committee shall devise and carry into effect plans (1) to give the public general infor­mation about Rotary, its history, object and scope; and (2) to secure proper publicity for the club.

(i) Rotary Information Committee. This committee shall devise and carry into effect plans, (1) to give prospective members information about the privileges and responsibilities of member­ship in a Rotary Club, (2) to give members, especially the new members, adequate understanding of the privileges and respon­sibilities of members, (3) to give the members information about Rotary, its history, object, scope, activities, and (4) to give the members information as to developments in the administra­tive operation of Rotary international.

The President-Elect and / or the Chairs of the Avenues of Service Committees should appoint (prior to the start of his/her term as President or Chair of the Avenues of Service Committee) members to serve as Activity Heads.  These Activities may include:


·        Senior Citizen’s Luncheon

·        Salvation Army Bell Ringers

·        Foster Children’s Program

·        White Elephant Sale

·        Habitat Liaison

·        4-H Awards

·        Song Leader

·        Pledge to Flag

·        Children’s Foundation

·        Club Cookout

·        Dictionary Project